PDC Gateway™

All of the “grid” type tabs like the Punches tab and the Employees tab also allow for design changes when the “Form Design” toggle is switched on.   Columns can be adjusted in width and location as well as removed or new columns added.  Every column in the underlying table is available to add from a drop down list.

The supervisor and manager level employees also have access to other tabs and menu selections like the Biometric Enrollment supervisor tab.  This tab allows for the saving of the employees’ fingerprint templates to either the local or a centralized database.  If stored centrally then all of the clocks will be able to validate all of the employees that are assigned to each clock.

Each clock can have its overall style set to either a dark background or a light background.  The font colors are also configurable from a single overall setting for color.  The Analog clock display can be turned on or off and its size and position can be set by dragging the mouse.  A company logo tile is also configurable in the same way.

Each clock button can also have up to six user configurable drop down selectors.   These can be used to collect costing information to be sent to SAP.  For instance an employee could be asked to enter a cost center when he or she clocks in, or to select an order number for the work about to be done.

The lists of data to select from can be queried from any database source but is typically pulled from a PDC Gateway interface table that has been filled by an IDOC download with the master data required.  The list can be filtered to only show certain records based on the plant or location or even the employee.  A default can be automatically filled in like the employees home cost center or the currently “logged on” order number. 

Windows Timeclock

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Each employee, once badged in, can access their recent punches.  Supervisors and above are able to see all of the time events (or filtered for their plant or department) as well as CATS records.  They can also use the provided tools to delete, change or even add missed punches.  The CATS records, as mentioned above can be held in the clock or in the interface until a supervisor approves the records to be sent to SAP.

The button design and functionality can change depending on the employee that is validated (by badge, fingerprint or both).  A manager can access the clock design feature of the clock face.  When the design mode is toggled on, each button can be moved and resized with the mouse (or touch screen) actions.  The colors and style of each button “tile” can be changed as well as the actual functionality of the button press event.  All of these settings can be saved to the local clock database as well as back on the centralized interface database.  From the PDC Gateway clock tab, these designs can be copied and sent to other clocks that require the same functionality.

The PDC Gateway solution can also include the time clock software as well as the interfaces.  This software can be loaded on any .NET capable device with the appropriate touch screen and peripherals. (Like the CMI Time’s Touch Time II time clock device)  As mentioned above, this time clock software acts as a highly configurable framework to support the validation and capture of time events.  This can be as simple as a two button “Punch In” and “Punch Out” scenario with a badge reader or as complex as a full SAP HR-PDC clock face with as many as twelve buttons displayed at once.